Saturday, April 12, 2014

What Pumpchkin Is

Do you see that??????!!!!!!! Do you Pump lovers?!?!?!?!?!? Well that is one of the many truths about Pumpchkin. She BRIBES you! SHARE=AUTO   She has also done SHARE=FRIEND REQUEST     She still hasnt accepted mine! And Pumpchkin, if you are reading this, I AM HAPPY TO SAY U ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON WHO LIES, CHEATS PEOPLE,  AND IS QUITE RUDE!!!!!!
     She is quite rude a lot to people but she is always saying "You guys bully cause you wanna be like me! Miss Perfect!"    Well, not happening, Pump!
Look at that! Just how stupid is Pumpchkin?


  1. I love how brainless she is, like what made her so... ignorant?

  2. Wow its been 6 years i never seen this and she quit sooo but i heard she was a good person but also a bad one so idk
